Thursday, April 26, 2007

New Blog !

A new control panel was made for this blog site, and I was playing around with it and realized I just lost my blog style which I customized in their site. Sadly they do not save the html code of your previous styles, but only the actual template so I lost a lot of the customizaton. Anyway, I chose a new style and re-added the CBC news feed, but for some reason my Adsense advertisements failed to load which sucks, but I only made 15 cents from them since I started the blog!

Its been a long time since I posted here, was busy with masters and all. Now I am done my masters courses and just have the thesis left so I will be blogging more often about more random shit than ever before.

Keep an eye out and feel free to comment about anything!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Absolutely beaut-ti-ful!

Kaka's second goal in the AC Milan - Manchester game yesterday that unfortunately ended 3-2 for Man Utd. was without any doubt the best goal of the game. Man Utd suffering from numerous injuries in their main ranks was left with a horrible defense line, which Kaka easily took advantage off -twice- . I do not remember laughing so hard when a goal was scored in a soccer game before. Watch for yourselves and laugh it off.

It was bad move from AC to attack during the extra time at the end of the match, should have just settled for the draw, and left the thrashing of Man Utd till another day (May 2nd). Man Utd took advantage of the attack, and struck back with a disappointing goal in the extra time to lead the game 3-2.